
Lovely presentation of white lilies with long stemmed pink roses, wrapped with added greens and tied with a pink bow. Simple & affordable. Order directly with a florist online today!

Rose And Lily Bouquet


A captivating blend of elegance and affordability. Delight your senses with the lovely presentation of pristine white lilies gracefully accompanied by long-stemmed pink roses. Adorned with lush greens, this floral ensemble exudes a timeless charm. Each bloom is carefully handpicked and artfully arranged to create a stunning visual masterpiece. The finishing touch is a delicate pink bow, adding a touch of whimsy and romance. With its simple yet enchanting design, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Experience the joy of gifting and expressing love with our affordable masterpiece.

All designs illustrated are a guide to the style of flowers that will be delivered. Flowers, containers and accessories may vary according to local and seasonal availability. In some cases, substitutions of equivalent value and quality may be necessary to fulfill your requirements.

In some cases, some flowers may be delivered in bud to provide longer enjoyment.